
The right to die? Post script 1

“….nothing should be decided “lightly, wantonly or unadvisedly”. Following on from my blog of yesterday, there is a lot more in the press today. Including a report in the Independent that a letter written by  cleric Christopher Jones who died from cancer is being sent to all members of the House of Lords urging them to oppose […]

The right to die – assisted death or assisted suicide?

  Should we have the right to decide whether we live or die? Is it  right to help a person end their life? Since 1961 it has not been illegal to commit suicide. The State recognises we  have the right to end our lives if we want to. It’s important though to draw a distinction between assisted suicide […]

Poor care could get you five years in jail

It’s time all those involved in the care of the vulnerable woke up to their obligations under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (‘the Act’). Eighty per cent of people living in care homes have a form of dementia or severe memory problem.  They are all entitled to have their rights under the Act respected.  While, at […]

Can you disinherit your children?

Until recently the view was yes.  The Inheritance (provision for family and dependants) Act 1975 (‘the Act) was interpreted as not allowing adult non-dependant children to make a claim against your estate other than in exceptional circumstances.  The case of Ilot v Mitson 2011 (finally resolved in 2014) changed that.  Mrs Mitson didn’t get on […]